Poots announces £2M Covid-19 support scheme for potato growers

Date published: 30 July 2021

A further Covid-19 support scheme worth up to £2million for farmers growing potatoes for the processing supply chain has been announced by Agriculture and Environment Minister Edwin Poots.


Applications forms for the Scheme are now available on the DAERA website and must be submitted by 18 August 2021.

Announcing the support scheme for potato growers, Minister Poots said: “I can confirm today that my Department has been able to deliver a further £2million in support for those potato growers who have been significantly impacted by Covid-19. This funding will help support them through a difficult time in the aftermath of reduced demand from the hospitality and food service industry for the second year in succession.”

“I met with industry stakeholders and I am grateful to them for their positive contribution to the successful development of this scheme,” Minister Poots added.

Potato growers who have already expressed an interest in the scheme have received an email inviting them to make a formal application. Other growers who meet the eligibility criteria are also invited to submit an application.

“I would encourage eligible potato growers to apply for the support available before the closing date of 18 August 2021.”

He added: “Since the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic over £23.5m has already been paid out by DAERA to local farm businesses impacted and this financial support has been very helpful in these difficult times.”

Explanatory information and guidance.

Notes to editors: 

  1. Potato growers can access their application form from 28 July 2021 on the DAERA website http://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/articles/Coronavirus-Income-Support-Scheme
  2. Follow DAERA on Twitter and Facebook.
  3. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office at:  pressoffice.group@daera-ni.gov.uk
  4. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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