Poor farm prices have made 2019 a difficult year for farmers - Poots

Date published: 30 January 2020

Our farmers should be properly rewarded for the high quality produce that they provide, Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots MLA said today.

Photo of Edwin Poots, Minister os Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

The Minister was commenting following the publication of the first (provisional) estimate for 2019 farm incomes, which indicate that the ‘Total Income from Farming’ (TIFF) in Northern Ireland fell by 25% (26% in real terms) from £386 million in 2018 to £290 million in 2019.

Mr Poots said: “It is disappointing but not surprising that the total income from farming figure is well down given that poor farm prices have made 2019 a difficult year for farmers.

“Our farming community are at the very heart of the excellent local food we produce – which enhances our economy, supports tourism and contributes to the sustainability of both the agri-food sector and the environment.  Farmers work extremely hard and maintain very high standards.  

“At the moment, they are not being fully rewarded for that effort and this is something that needs to change. To this end I will be writing to the main processors and the supermarkets asking how they can help farm businesses to be more sustainable.

“Farm level estimates show that almost all farm types have suffered with the situation for cattle and sheep farms having been particularly challenging. Poor prices on national and international markets over the past year have been the main factor behind this downturn. Fluctuating market conditions is not a new problem, but it remains a very difficult issue for farmers to address.”

Minister Poots concluded: “Going forward, I want to work with the farming community to ensure that its desire to improve productivity and become more resilient is fully supported.  Leaving the EU gives us an opportunity to develop a new policy framework for supporting sustainable agriculture which meets local needs and I am determined to make the best of that opportunity.”

Notes to editors: 

1. The provisional 2019 agricultural income figures were issued today by DAERA and can be downloaded at https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/news/northern-ireland-agricultural-incomes-2019

2. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office on 028 9052 4619 or email DAERA Press Office: pressoffice.group@daera-ni.gov.uk. Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer on 028 9037 8110.

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