Minister stresses the value of science as he publishes the DAERA Science Strategy Framework

Date published: 24 November 2020

Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots, has emphasised the importance of science, as he publishes DAERA’s Science Strategy Framework, which will guide and direct how the Department will utilise science over the next 15 years in delivering services.

Publishing the Framework, Minister Poots said, “Science influences most aspects of our everyday life, including food, energy, medicine, technology and infrastructure. Investment in research enriches society and helps drive our economy and plays a vital role in helping us deliver services across the whole of the Department.”

The Minister continued, “Science underpins policies and strategies, which impact across all sectors, and is vital in order for us to meet challenges going forward; whether they be in food, farming, waste management, sustainability, climate change, the environment, fisheries, forestry or the development of the rural sector. All this contributes to ensuring sustainability at the heart of a living, working, active landscape valued by everyone in Northern Ireland.”

Minister Poots concluded, “I have previously outlined the Executive’s challenge to deliver Green Growth. To achieve this, we need to be open to adopting new technologies and innovative ways of working, to meet ambitious environmental and sustainability targets, while supporting economic growth in agriculture and agri-food industries and rural areas. By collaborating and working in partnership with others in industry, research and education, and the environment and voluntary sectors, locally, nationally and globally, I believe we can exploit emerging opportunities and ensure that DAERA’s science is robust, relevant, accessible and widely used by the Department and all our stakeholders”.


Notes to editors: 


  1. DAERA has responsibility for certain aspects of food, farming, environmental, fisheries, forestry and sustainability policy and regulation and the development of the rural sector in Northern Ireland.
  2. DAERA uses science as a key enabler for informing policy development, meeting statutory obligations, measuring outcomes, providing advice and information, promoting innovation, managing risks to society and the environment and supporting rural areas. As the Government competent authority, DAERA science underpins trade in NI agri-food products, through assuring the health and compliance with export standards of NI animal, plant and derivative products. DAERA is also the Government competent authority for the environment and nature conservation and protection under a range of NI legislation. Consequently, it is important that DAERA has a coherent strategy and policies for how it will use science to further its policy aims and optimise the value it achieves from its investment in science, to deliver positive impacts for the agri-food industry and its sectors, the wider rural economy and the environment as a whole.
  3. A public consultation on proposals for a DAERA Science Strategy Framework, which has informed the final strategy, was undertaken in autumn 2019.
  4. The DAERA Science Strategy Framework and further information on the consultation can be accessed at
  5. Follow DAERA on Twitter and Facebook
  6. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office
  7. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hour’s service for media enquiries between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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