McIlveen determined in her efforts to eradicate Bovine TB from Northern Ireland

Date published: 15 December 2016

Agriculture Minister Michelle McIlveen today restated her commitment to drive forward the eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) from the cattle population in Northern Ireland.

The Minister was speaking in Belfast today at the formal launch of the TB Strategic Partnership Group’s (TBSPG) long-term strategy document on TB eradication.

Speaking at the launch, Miss McIlveen said: “I welcome the publication of a proposed long-term strategy to eradicate bTB from Northern Ireland and I thank, and commend, the members of the TB Strategic Partnership Group for their dedicated focus on this issue over the past two years.”

The TBSPG is a high-level advisory group established in 2014, chaired by Sean Hogan. The group was tasked with developing a strategy and implementation action plan to effect a progressive and sustained reduction of TB in the cattle population here, with a view to eventual eradication.

The Minister continued: “Since taking up my post, I have travelled extensively across Northern Ireland and have heard first hand, from many farmers, of the economic and social impacts of a disease that has blighted the industry for much too long.

“One of my key objectives is delivering a profitable farming industry and I am determined to do everything I can, in partnership with industry, to safeguard our £1billion plus livestock industry which depends significantly on exports.

“Over the coming weeks, I intend to consider carefully the TBSPG Strategy in full. I have asked my officials to examine the proposed recommendations in detail and have tasked them to bring forward options for my consideration. My aim is to formally consult on my proposed approach early in 2017.”

Notes to editors: 

1. Photo caption - Agriculture Minister Michelle McIlveen reaffirms her commitment to drive forward the eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) from the cattle population in Northern Ireland. Today she received a strategy document from the TB Strategic Partnership Group. Pictured (from left-right) are; Campbell Tweed, Sean Hogan (Chair of Strategic Partnership Group), George McIlroy, Minister Michelle McIlveen, John Thompson and Cecil McMurray.

2. The TBSPG were tasked to:

  • review the current TB eradication programme;
  • develop a long-term strategy to eradicate bovine TB;
  • develop an implementation action plan;
  • consider the resources necessary to deliver recommendations and actions;
  • regularly review and revise the action plan;
  • provide strategic advice to the Minister taking account of the full range of industry and stakeholder interests;
  • re-energise relationships with all industry stakeholders;
  • consider the enhancement of primary and secondary legislation; and
  • consider other means to tackle and eradicate this disease.

Membership of the group comprises;

  • Sean Hogan (Chair)
  • Campbell Tweed OBE
  • Dr George McIlroy
  • John Thompson
  • Dr Cecil McMurray CBE.
  • The Chief Veterinary Officer for Northern Ireland Robert Huey and the Director of DAERA’s Animal Health and Welfare Policy Division Geraldine Fee are ex-officio members of the Group.

3.  Follow us on Twitter @daera_ni.

4.  All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office on 028 9052 4619 or email DAERA Press Office: Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07623 974 383 and your call will be returned.

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