McIlveen announces £609k for rural voluntary and community groups

Date published: 20 December 2016

Rural Affairs Minister Michelle McIlveen has announced that £609,000 has been awarded to voluntary and community groups through her Department’s Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme.

DAERA Minister Michelle McIlveen has announced that 493 rural and voluntary groups have benefitted from total funding of £609,000 under her department's Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme.

The Scheme is funded through DAERA’s Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Programme (TRPSI) and provides rural based voluntary and community groups with grant awards of between £200 and £1,500 to purchase capital items, improve a capital asset or extend the useable life of a capital asset. This year 493 rural organisations have been awarded grants, representing a total investment of £609,000. This investment has the potential to benefit 200,000 rural dwellers across Northern Ireland.

Michelle McIlveen announced the total funding award during a visit to Ballyhalbert Community Association, where she handed over a ‘Letter of Offer’ under the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme to Mr Craig Billington, Chairperson of Ballyhalbert Community Association.

She said: “I congratulate Ballyhalbert Community Association on their award of £1,294 under the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme. Craig has told me how this award will help improve and promote the services provided by the Association to the community of Ballyhalbert and surrounding area.

“The significant impact that these small grants can make highlights the importance of the Scheme. Used wisely, organisations like Ballyhalbert can purchase a wide range of capital items that can enhance the invaluable work that they undertake for their community. The impact that these micro grants can make is considerable.”

The Minister continued: “Building on the success of phases one and two of this scheme, a further 493 rurally based voluntary and community organisations have been awarded grants of between £200 and £1,500 through the latest Phase of the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme, representing an investment of just over £600,000. These projects, financed from my Department’s Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Programme budget, will motivate so many groups to continue their work and will benefit thousands of rural dwellers who rely so much on their local community or voluntary group for interaction and stimulation.”

Minister Michelle McIlveen concluded: “Community and Voluntary organisations are the heart of so many rural areas. They excel at creating community spirit and providing people with a sense of belonging. I congratulate all 493 organisations on their successful applications to the Scheme.” 

Notes to editors: 

  1. The Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2016 is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and is one element of the Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Programme. Grants of between £200 and £1,500 are available to rural community-led, voluntary organisations towards the cost of capital equipment, improvement of a capital asset or extending the useable life of a capital asset.
  2. Phase three of the Scheme opened for applications on 5 September 2016 and closed at noon on Friday 30 September 2016. A total of 566 applications were received with all eligible applicants (493) awarded funding, via Letters of Offer, which issued in November 2016. These Letters of Offer amount to £609,000, which will be paid out to the organisations early next year following successful and satisfactory completion of their projects.
  3. The Scheme is being delivered across Northern Ireland by the Rural Support Networks. Contact details for these organisations are available on the DAERA website.
  4. Through Phases One and Two of the Scheme, over 360 rural community and voluntary organisations have availed of small grants from the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme. This has allowed these organisations to take practical steps to modernise or update their premises and to purchase equipment that will enable them to provide and deliver enhanced services for their local communities.
  5. Photos available from DAERA Press Office.
  6. Follow us on Twitter at: @daera_ni
  7. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office on 028 9052 4619 or email DAERA Press Office: Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07623 974 383 and your call will be returned. 

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