Loughry degree graduate conveniently moves into developing foods

Date published: 11 August 2021

Congratulations to Grace Moore on completing her studies on the BSc (Hons) Degree in Food Technology at the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE). Grace from Portstewart has achieved a 2:1 in her degree which she studied at Loughry Campus, a course validated by Ulster University.

Grace Moore, CAFRE food graduate, now working as a New Product Development Technologist with Henderson Food Service.

Grace first started study at CAFRE after she completed her GCSEs at Dunluce School. She enrolled on the two year Level 3 National Diploma in Food, Nutrition and Health course as an alternative to A-Level study. On completion she applied to study for an Honours Degree in Food Technology at Loughry Campus, Cookstown.

Commenting on her time spent at CAFRE Grace said: “I thoroughly enjoyed the broad range of modules covered on the courses. From food science to processing, preservation to lean manufacture every module was so relevant to work within the industry. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to use the product innovation facilities during our New Product Development modules. Being set the challenge of creating new products gave us the chance to take a concept, work it up and present our novel food product to local businesses.”

As part of her degree course, Grace completed a placement year with the Henderson Group working in their Food Product Development department. Consumer on-the-go lifestyles have changed the retail sector and Grace helped Henderson’s adapt their foodservice offerings to meet customer demands.

Grace added: “I thoroughly enjoyed my placement and since completing my degree I have secured a full-time position with the company, working in new product development.”

“Looking back at the years I spent at Loughry Campus, Cookstown I can’t believe how quickly they passed by. As clichéd as it sounds - make the most of your time because my six years passed so quickly! To sum up my time at Loughry studying Food Technology, I would say it is fun and memorable providing me with great opportunities to develop skills for a career in food.

For more information on food courses offered at CAFRE – Loughry Campus, both for those leaving school after Year 12 or Year 14 visit: the CAFRE website or email: enquiries@cafre.ac.uk

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