Loughry Campus students benefit from strong links with the agri-food industry

Date published: 06 July 2020

Students on National Diploma courses at the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) Loughry Campus in Cookstown have been getting a great head start on their future careers in the Northern Ireland agri-food industry thanks to the College’s well established links with various companies and sectors all over the country.

Second-year National Diploma Students visiting Davisons Puddings as part of their Quality Assurance Unit prior to the introduction of the Coronavirus social distancing guidelines.

During their time at Loughry, students get the opportunity to interact with many companies in a manner of different ways, all of which help to support and further their learning and development. This also provides students with a ‘taste’ of where they might find themselves after their studies.

CAFRE’s National Diploma Food students have classroom based learning enhanced by regular guest speakers from the industry who are able to offer first-hand experience to reinforce their learning.

Students also enjoy industrial visits to meat, dairy, bakery and poultry companies to name but a few. Getting to hear and experience the reality of what has been learned in the classroom later proves to be invaluable for student’s knowledge and understanding.

National Diploma students also undertake a 12 week placement within an agri-food business between the first and second year of the course. This hands on experience in the ‘real world’ always proves to be very beneficial in enhancing students learning and further developing their practical skills, which they are then able to apply to their learning in the second year of their course.

Many National Diploma students chose to return to Loughry to Higher Education courses, where the opportunities to develop and grow these links with the agri-food industry are even more plentiful.

CAFRE continues to accept applications for September 2020 entry on the National Diploma Food Programme delivered at Loughry Campus. An application can be made by visiting the CAFRE website. To discuss your options further please contact the team on our FREEPHONE number 0800 028 4291.

The College is committed to providing a safe experience for our new and returning students at all three of its campuses at Enniskillen, Greenmount and Loughry.  

The health and welfare of students, staff and the wider community continues to CAFRE’s chief priority as we adapt to supporting learning during the global coronavirus pandemic. 

Face-to-face delivery of educational programmes continues to be the preferred option and there are plans in the making to do so safely and by always following expert advice. Practical learning is an important aspect of the National Diploma Food Programme and delivery of practical learning opportunities will be prioritised.

Where it is not possible to deliver all aspects of the programme face-to-face, a blended learning approach will be adopted which means some elements of your chosen programme may be delivered by remote learning lectures. The residential accommodation, dining rooms and library facilities will be available from September 2020 in line the Public Health Agency guidance at that time. 

Students are asked to regularly review the FAQs and student handbook provided on the CAFRE website. You should also continue to refer to the Public Health Agency website for the latest health advice.

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