Level II day release courses - ‘A qualification gained whilst working on the farm'

Date published: 30 August 2018

The ApprenticeshipNI (Level II) Work-based Diploma in Agriculture offered by the College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) provides students with a high quality education in practical job related skills while working on the family farm or on an approved work experience farm.

The Enniskillen group on visit to a zero grazing dairy farm in Moira.

Courses are offered across Northern Ireland and are delivered by staff from Greenmount and Enniskillen Campuses.

Places are still available for October 2018. 

The course is practically based and aims to help students develop a broad range of agriculture skills. On-the-job training is supported by one day of class/instruction each week, part of which develops the students’ knowledge in areas such as feeding, breeding, health and safety, calf rearing, grassland management, animal health and husbandry operations. The importance of record keeping is highlighted with students receiving guidance on medicine records, personal finance, basic banking and VAT. During the second part of the day, students travel to local farms to obtain instruction and practice in livestock skills. The students will have the opportunity to become proficient in areas such as dosing and fencing. Visits are organised to farms and agriculture supply businesses incorporating engineering firms, meal companies, sale yards and agricultural shows.

This course also offers students the opportunity to attend specialist ‘short’ courses at Greenmount and Enniskillen Campuses. Students can obtain certificates such as the PA1 Foundation Module in the Safe Use of Pesticides and Manual Handling.

After successfully completing the Level 2 programme, students can progress to Level 3.

If you would like further information about the ApprenticeshipNI Work-based Diploma in Agriculture, please visit our the CAFRE website or contact CAFRE at Freephone 0800 028 4291.

Alternatively, you can view our short promotional video.

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