Estimates of Crop Yields and Production in 2016

Date published: 01 December 2016

Yield and production estimates for the main cereal crops and potatoes for the year 2016 were issued today by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).


The estimates for cereal yields were obtained from a post-harvest survey of 235 growers, whilst potato estimates were derived from a survey involving pre-harvest digs covering potato crops on approximately 75 farms.

Estimates for the areas of each crop were published as part of the results of the June Agricultural Census on 24th November 2016. The following estimates refer to crop yields and production:

  • Barley: Total production of barley has decreased to approximately 125,000 tonnes. The overall area grown decreased by 2 per cent from 2015 levels but within this the area of spring crops decreased by 6 per cent whereas the area of winter crops increased by 9 per cent. Total barley production has fallen due to the reduction in the area grown of spring barley and lower yields for both winter (6.8 t/ha) and spring (5.0 t/ha) crops. Winter and spring barley yields have decreased by 12 and 9 per cent respectively from 2015 yield figures. Weather conditions throughout the 2016 growing season adversely affected crop development.
  • Wheat: Production of wheat decreased from 2015 levels to 60,000 tonnes, a fall of 6 per cent. Although the area grown increased by 8 per cent to reach similar levels as 2014, a 13 per cent fall in yields to 7 tonnes per hectare outweighed the extra area resulting in a fall in production.
  • Oats: Total production of oats remained relatively unchanged from 2015 at 12,100 tonnes. Yields decreased by 9 per cent to 5.4 tonnes per hectare but this was compensated by a 9 per cent increase in area planted to 2,300 hectares.
  • Potatoes: The pre-harvest production estimate of maincrop ware and seed potatoes is 129,700 tonnes, a 2 per cent decrease from 2015. In 2016 the area planted increased by 4 per cent to 3,700ha while yields fell by 6 per cent. The total pre-harvest estimate, including early varieties also decreased by 2 per cent to 131,300 tonnes.

Provisional results from DEFRA show that total UK yields of barley, wheat and oats have all decreased compared with 2015.

The latest UK results can be found at the DEFRA website.

Tables showing Northern Ireland results can be accessed on the DAERA website.

Notes to editors: 

  1. The survey results were prepared by Statistics and Analytical Services Branch, CAP Policy, Economics and Statistics Division of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3SB.
  2. DAERA statistics are produced in accordance with the principles and protocols set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. The DAERA website provides information on the way DAERA complies with these principles.
  3. All recent DAERA statistical bulletins can be found on the DAERA website.
  4. Follow us on Twitter at: @daera_ni 
  5. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office on 028 9052 4619 or email DAERA Press Office: Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07623 974 383 and your call will be returned.

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