DAERA seeks views on the development of fisheries management measures for Marine Protected Areas and establishment of scallop enhancement sites in the Northern Ireland inshore region

Date published: 25 January 2021

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has launched a consultation on the development of fisheries management measures for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and establishment of scallop enhancement sites in the Northern Ireland inshore region.


The consultation is aimed at organisations, groups and people who undertake activities, or have a general interest in the marine area.  

Launching the consultation, Minister Edwin Poots said “The Northern Ireland inshore region supports diverse fishing opportunities that make important contributions to the economies of coastal communities. The introduction of changes to fisheries management regimes are intended to support fishing at sustainable levels while protecting the marine environment.”

In the Northern Ireland inshore region, fisheries management measures are proposed for nine MPAs, and the establishment of four scallop enhancement sites.

Minister Poots added: “The proposals outlined in the consultation reinforce Northern Ireland’s continued support for the UK wide vision for clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse seas. I am keen to hear the views of stakeholders to help inform these fisheries management measures.”

The closing date for responses to the consultation is 22 February 2021.

The consultation document can be found at www.daera-ni.gov.uk/consultations/consultation-development-fisheries-management-measures-marine-protected-areas-mpas-and-establishment


Notes to editors: 

  1. Part 1 of the consultation proposes fisheries management measures for Skerries and Causeway Special Area of Conservation (SAC); Rathlin Island SAC / Special Protection Area (SPA) and Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ); Red Bay SAC; Waterfoot MCZ; Maidens SAC; Outer Belfast Lough MCZ; Strangford Lough MCZ; Murlough SAC; and Carlingford Lough MCZ.
  2. Part 2 of the consultation paper refers to the establishment of scallop enhancement sites at Whitehead; Drumfad Bay; Ballyquintin Point; and Roaring Rock.
  3. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office
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  5. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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