DAERA announces extension to appointments to the Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC)

Date published: 20 July 2018

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has announced a six month extension to the term of appointment of three members of the Livestock Meat Commission to 30 December 2018.

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Harry Sinclair, Jim Lennon and Oonagh Chesney were first appointed as members on July 1, 2015. The extensions have been made in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments’ Code of Practice.

The LMC was established in 1967 and has the general duty of assisting the development of the livestock (cattle and sheep) and livestock products sectors of the local agri-food industry. It provides a range of services to producers and meat traders including market intelligence and undertakes promotional activities. It also administers the Farm Quality Assurance Scheme and market support arrangements for beef and lamb in the north of Ireland.

Notes to editors: 

  1. Harry Sinclair is a beef, sheep and suckler cow farmer who produces Aberdeen Angus beef for premium markets and lamb for the UK markets. As a former President of the UFU, he has extensive experience of advocacy on behalf of the farming community. He has served as Chairman of the UFU’s Hill Farming and Beef and Lamb Committees. He has served as Vice-President of COPA and has represented the UK on the EU Commission’s Sheep and Beef Advisory Committees. He has also served as Chairman of AgriSearch’s Beef Committee and as a producer representative on the Red Meat Taskforce. Over the past three years he has brought significant experience of working on policy committees to the Board of the LMC and will continue to do so. Mr Sinclair is a Board Member of HSENI and this position is remunerated at £3,810 pa. He declared no conflicts of interest and confirmed he has no issues with the time commitment associated with the role.
  2. Jim Lennon is a beef farmer specialising in the production of Aberdeen Angus cattle. He is also involved in the Derrynose Farming Community Group which promotes investment and training in livestock production. Mr Lennon has significant wider senior public sector experience shown in both his current role as Head of Corporate Service for Middletown Centre for Autism and various senior roles in the National Health Service. He has also been involved in local economic and social regeneration matters. He has served on the LMC Board since June 2015 and continues to bring his experience of the industry to the Board. Mr Lennon is also Chairman of the NI Blood Transfusion Service and has held this role from August 2007 and the current term of appointment ends in August 2018. This post is remunerated at £7,155 pa. He declared no conflicts of interest and confirmed he has no issues with time commitment associated with the role.
  3. Oonagh Chesney is Company Secretary for Fane Valley Co-op Society Ltd and all its group subsidiary companies. Mrs Chesney has worked with the Co-op for 25 years and has represented Fane Valley in a number of different bodies. She lives on the family beef farm. With qualifications in Agriculture and Business Studies combined with 30 years’ experience, she is aware of the challenges and opportunities facing the agri-food industry in Northern Ireland and in particular the red meat industry. Over the last three years, she has brought her experience of corporate governance and business good practice to the Board of LMC. Mrs Chesney holds no other public appointments. She has declared no conflicts of interest and confirmed she has no issues with the time commitment associated with the role.
  4. The above appointments were made in 2015 on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires the political activity of appointees to be published. Mr Sinclair and Mrs Chesney have not been involved in any political activity during the past five years. Mr Jim Lennon has canvassed on behalf of a political party by helping an SDLP candidate to distribute literature during the 2015 General Election.
  5. Appointments are made under section 1 of the Livestock Marketing Commission Act (NI) 1967.
  6. The posts attract a remuneration of £6,485 per annum.
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  9. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office on 028 9052 4619 or via email. Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07623 974 383 and your call will be returned.

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