DAERA and PSNI urge livestock transporters to be aware of bogus inspectors

Date published: 17 August 2017

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and the PSNI today warned drivers transporting livestock to be vigilant and be certain of identification of anyone asking to inspect their vehicles.


The warning comes after a recent incident where a vehicle transporting livestock was stopped on a motorway by persons purporting to be DAERA inspectors.

DAERA Veterinary Enforcement Officer Danny Gray said: “Our inspectors always carry official identification cards. If in any doubt livestock transporter drivers should therefore ask to see the identification of anyone who attempts to stop or inspect their vehicle.

While DAERA does carry out roadside checks on livestock transport on a regular basis, this is only ever done in conjunction with PSNI, and only in very exceptional circumstances would it be necessary on a motorway.”

PSNI Supt. Brian Kee said: “We would reiterate the advice from our colleagues in the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), and would urge drivers to ensure they check identification of all inspectors at all times. Where a driver suspects a bogus inspector incident we would encourage them to note the registration number of any vehicle they are using and report this to the Police Service on 101."

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