Colebrooke and Strule Soil Testing and Training Initiative - Last chance to attend understanding soil analysis training

Date published: 14 March 2019

If you are one of the 600 farmers in the Colebrooke and Strule Soil Testing and Training Initiative who be receiving free soil sampling and analysis reports, co-ordinated by AFBI, and have not already taken up the offer of training, now is the time to attend before it is too late!

Soil analysis reports provide valuable information on the nutrient content of your soils and are a useful tool for planning nutrient applications. 

The workshops have been arranged jointly between CAFRE and AI Services under the Farm Family Key Skills (FFKS) initiative, which is partly funded by the EU under the NIRDP 2014-2020.

These workshops aim to help farmers who participated in the Initiative to understand what their soil analysis means. Planning lime, manure and fertiliser applications to produce high yielding grass and forage crops whilst improving and maintaining soil fertility and saving money on chemical fertilisers will all benefit the farm business and the additional benefits of reducing the risk of nutrient loss; and improving water quality are also very important. 

Training for participants in the initiative will continue until the end of March. All farmer who have not registered attendance at a workshop to date will receive an invitation letter to attend a mop up session.

Once you receive your invitation please contact AI Services to confirm your attendance. Alternative dates are available, details of which are included in your invitation letter, but they also must be pre-booked. For further information contact AI Services on: 028 9083 3123.

This will be your last chance to attend training, so don’t miss out.

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