Business Development Group at McClelland farm Armagh

Date published: 04 March 2019

Billy and Alex McClelland farm suckler cows, beef and sheep just outside Poyntzpass in Co Armagh. When Business Development Groups (BDG) were first launched in November 2015 Billy joined a beef finisher group and Alex joined a suckler cow group.

Senan White, Suckler BDG adviser, CAFRE, Alex and Billy McClelland, host farmers, and Ciaran Hamill, Beef BDG adviser CAFRE at the meeting on the McClelland farm.

Alex hosted her suckler cow BDG on Thursday evening where they discussed plans for developing the housing and handling facilities. Local vet, Michelle Skillen also attended to outline the main issues in preparing for and managing calving in suckler cows.

The McClellands have plans to improve grassland management, suckler cow efficiency, finish bull calves as bulls to increase stocking rate and throughput, and improve handling facilities for health and safety and labour efficiency. Both agree being in a BDG and having access to expert help from advisers and other group members has helped them formulate plans for developing their farm business.

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