COVID-19 Update for AERA Committee – 03/09/2020

Food & Farming Group Input

College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE)

CAFRE are continuing to develop new working procedures and risk assessments across the three campuses, in line with the Public Health Agency (PHA) advice and Government guidance, as part of the CAFRE Response Plan to facilitate the delivery of its programmes whilst ensuring the safety and well-being of staff, students, those working in the agri-food industry, their families and the wider community.

Education programmes at CAFRE will re-commence on 14th September, as scheduled, using a blended approach. This will entail face-to-face delivery of the practical elements of the programmes, combined with remote learning for lectures, where appropriate using digital learning technologies.

A phased return of face-to-face delivery of the Knowledge and Technology programmes by CAFRE to Northern Ireland’s agri-food industry commenced from 3rd August. Business Development Groups Scheme training events commenced from 17th August and the delivery of advisory support will be further enhanced with the introduction of industry training and technology transfer events.

Update on Sector Support Schemes

On 30 June 2020, Minister Poots, MLA, announced by means of a Written Statement that £21.4m of support would be available to sectors in agriculture and horticulture as follows; Dairy Sector - £11m, Beef Sector - £7m, Sheep Sector - £0.232k, Potato Sector - £1.2 – 1.6m, Ornamental Horticulture Sector – £1.2m - £1.6m.

In line with DAERA’s Equality Scheme, an equality and human rights screening exercise has been under taken on the policy relating to the COVID-19 Support Scheme to the agriculture and horticulture sectors.  On the basis of the answers to the screening questions, this policy has been screened out i.e. no EQIA is required. A Rural Needs Impact Assessment has been also completed on the policy relating the COVID-19 Support Scheme.

The SL1 for the Agricultural Commodities Coronavirus Income Support Scheme 2020 and Support to the Ornamental Horticulture Sector was presented to the AERA Committee on 21 August. It is anticipated that Legislation to enable payments to be made to eligible producers in the dairy, beef, sheep and potato sector will be signed by the DAERA and DoF Ministers in wc 31 Aug.

The Covid-19 Schemes for dairy, beef, sheep and potato producers are scheduled to open on Monday 7th September. Eligible Farm Businesses will receive a letter from DAERA providing them with instructions on how to submit their application form. The application process will be completed through DAERA Online Services. Eligible potato farm businesses will also be contacted with instructions on how to make their application and the evidence they are required to submit. Support will be available to deal with questions and queries during the application window, and payments are expected to commence by the end of September.

This budget of £21.4m is £7.2m less than the £28.6m available and will be held for potential allocations of support later in the year particularly if there is a second wave.

Cranswick Country Foods

The Cranswick Country Foods (CCF) facility that slaughters and processes approx. 12,000 pigs each week, closed voluntarily on 22 August for 14 days. During the previous week, the DAERA Minister and officials held several meetings and had discussions with officials from the Department of Health and Public Health Authority including Minister Swann, management of CCF, other pig processing businesses and farmer stakeholder groups. These meetings focused on contingency planning and the steps required to bring the plant back to full operational capacity. DAERA will continue to liaise with all parties involved and provide expert advice on our areas of competence including animal welfare and livestock management as required.

Update on Essential Legislation

The UKG Agriculture Bill has been through the Committee Stage at the House of Lords, which is where the peers go through the Bill and table any amendments. The next step is the report stage, or further consideration stage. This is where Members look at principle issues, see where there have been commitments given or where there might be areas requiring further probing.

Update on Essential Finance or Budget information

Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme (NIRDP)

As advised several weeks ago, a further proposal was being considered by the European Commission to allow Rural Development Programmes to make lump sum payments to farmers/SMEs to mitigate the impacts of Covid-19.  There are restrictions such as maximum allocation of the overall budget.  The proposal was recently formally adopted by the European Commission and is being considered carefully by officials.

The fourth intake of the Environmental Farming Scheme Wider element opened on the 18 August.  Applications can be submitted online up until the 11 September.

Veterinary Service & Animal Health Group

Delivery of Official Controls and Other Official Activities

The delivery of veterinary public health official controls, that is, ante mortem and post mortem inspections, verification of food business operators’ compliance with hygiene, animal health and welfare requirements continues in all slaughterhouses. All slaughterhouses are working normally with the exception of a pig slaughter plant, temporarily closed as a result of COVID-19. 

VSAHG officials continue to actively engage with the Public Health Agency (PHA), Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland (HSENI) and the industry to ensure adherence with PHA advice and guidance in all food processing establishments.

Current position

The majority of statutory animal health and welfare surveillance/testing/inspections have recommenced.

Agri food Inspection Branch (AfIB) has resumed most on–farm official control inspection work on a pre-notified basis. These inspections, including dairy hygiene and primary production hygiene, are being carried out in line with PHA guidance on COVID-19.

Announced on-site inspections and remote inspections for official controls on traceability and food and feed safety are taking place at non-farm premises on a risk basis and in line with Health and Safety requirements.

Animal By-Products

All animal by-product inspections and on farm feed sampling for processed animal protein have recommenced and are being delivered in line with the relevant COVID-19 advice and guidance.

Bovine TB Programme

From the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, revised temporary measures for bovine TB (bTB) testing have been introduced. The current measures, based on the primacy of public health requirements, provide that testing may take place but only where it is safe to do so. 

The measures are designed to safeguard the health and well-being of farmers, veterinary practitioners and staff, maintain animal and public health controls and ease the burden on farmers. The measures remain under review and are updated in line with the latest public health guidance.

Current position

Private Veterinary Practitioners and farmers continue to work hard to catch up with bTB testing that was delayed following the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.

TB testing figures indicate that since May, with the exception of the July holiday weeks, testing levels each week continue to surpass the equivalent weeks in 2019. 

The testing of badgers for TB by means of the Road Traffic Accident Survey recommenced on 1st July 2020.

Trade Export Certification

From the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, a number of easements in relation to export health certificates for exports of live animals and products of animal origin to various countries have been introduced.  Such arrangements help to minimise the need for face-to-face interaction between private veterinary practitioners, exporters and DAERA staff.

Third country export health certification easements remain in place with Australia, China, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Philippines, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the United States of America (USA).  The majority of current easements in place have been extended until further notice. The exceptions are China (currently extended to 31st Dec 2020) and Australia (currently extended to 1st October 2020.)

White paper export health certificates for July and August, to date, made up more than 50% of the total of third country export certificates issued in Northern Ireland.

Current position

  • Further easements were implemented with North Macedonia on the 29th June and have been agreed with Canada, to commence on the 26th August. Canada is an important market for Northern Ireland beef.
  • DEFRA, as the lead Government Department for international trade, is continuing to work with DAERA and British Embassy colleagues, where there are Chinese concerns regarding COVID-19,  to minimise disruption of exports and ensure the continuation of UK trade with China.
  • A new DEFRA project is underway to look at secure IT solutions for the permanent removal of crown gold paper from official certification. DAERA is actively involved in this process.

Import Controls

The staff compliment at the Points of Entry (ports and airports) is now sufficient to deliver the full range of import controls to protect animal and public health.

Animal Welfare

Zoos Funding

Following analysis of information provided by zoo licence holders on the impact the current pandemic has had on the health and welfare of animals in their care, the Minister has agreed that animals in the relevant establishments are not at immediate risk and there is no urgent need for support.

However, the Department is mindful that a number of zoo licence holders rely on the summer period to generate the majority of their annual income and depend on that income during the winter. Officials will continue to monitor the situation closely and engage with all zoo licence holders to determine whether or not support is needed in the future.

Animal Disease Surveillance

Post Import testing of sheep has resumed in line with COVID-19 guidelines, coupled with health and safety advice for staff.

Essential Legislation

Work on essential legislation continues. Given the potential for COVID related absences there remains a risk to the progress of that legislation.

Environment, Marine & Fisheries Group

Fisheries update

Fisheries - Sea Fishing Sector

On 3 April 2020 the Minister announced that the Department would proceed with a scheme of financial support for the sea fish catching sector.

Letters of Invitation to apply for the scheme were issued to 172 vessel owners, with 81 licensed fishing vessels considered ineligible against the scheme’s qualifying criteria. 

After all appeals were considered, a total of 172 Letters of Offer and claim forms were issued and, at the close of the Scheme, 171 payments have been made to vessel owners totalling £1.32m.  

Aquaculture Sector

The Aquaculture Financial Assistance Scheme was announced by the Minister on 26 May.  This funding is to be delivered through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Programme.

On 29 May, letters of Invitation to apply to the Scheme were issued to 19 potential eligible businesses.  A further 38 letters were issued to potential ineligible businesses to advise of the appeal mechanism.

Eight Payments have been made to date, with ongoing clarification being sought from a couple of businesses.  Two appeals were received, both of which were upheld, payment has already been made on one of these.  At the current position, total awarded grant is likely to be just over £100k.

Lough Neagh Fishery

There are signs that some sectors within Europe are beginning to reopen and some limited fishing returned on Lough Neagh in July to meet this reduced market.

EMFF Regulation 2020/560 has recently been amended particularly Article 33 which may provide possible funding opportunities for Lough Neagh Commercial fishermen who at this time are unable to work during the short season 1st May until end of October.

DAERA officials have confirmed that Lough Neagh commercial fishermen would be eligible for financial assistance under this amendment.  There have been several meetings held with the Lough Neagh Fishermen’s Cooperative Society (LNFCS) and other fishing interests on Lough Neagh to discuss the proposals for such a scheme.

A business case has been completed for the scheme and is currently being considered. Once the details have been finalised and confirmation of funding has been established, the Department will be in a position to announce the launch of the scheme to fishermen.  

Update on Essential Legislation: UK Fisheries Bill

Following its passage in the House of Lords, the Bill was introduced in the House of Commons on 1 July 2020.

The Second Reading of the Bill in the Commons is due on Tuesday 1 September 2020.

The Bill will then proceed to Committee Stage.

Parliamentary Counsel is currently drafting the Government’s amendments to the Bill, to enable these to be tabled at Committee Stage.

The Committee Stage is expected to run from Tuesday 8 September 2020 to Thursday 17 September 2020.

A Legislative Consent Motion is required in each devolved administration before the Report Stage in the Commons.

No date has been scheduled for the subsequent stages (Report Stage and Third Reading). There is no set time period between the end of Committee Stage and the start of the Report stage.

Update on Essential Finance or Budget Information

  • Nothing new to report.

Northern Ireland Environment Agency and Environment, Marine & Fisheries Group

Environment update

Waste Management Collection, Storage and Processing

As of the 25 August 2020, there are 89 Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) open across Northern Ireland while all local Councils have resumed bulky waste collections and municipal litter and street cleansing operations, although some of these services are on a restricted basis in some areas.

The issue with textiles waste has improved as the reprocessors have reopened and charity shops have reported a significant year on year increase in trading since reopening. We will continue to monitor the situation.

A communications campaign, grant funded by DAERA and in collaboration with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, is currently running on TV and social media in relation to stopping littering of PPE. A further social media campaign is running concurrently around other aspects of anti-littering. The DAERA Press Office will run a mini-campaign on social media to highlight the appropriate disposal of PPE beginning on 25 August 2020.

Maintaining Drinking Water Quality

NIEA and Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) have been working with NI Water and DfI in their application for 3 Drought Orders as a result of the prolonged period of dry weather in the spring and early summer. The contingency work carried out in May and June is now in place and although the Drought Orders are no longer required the contingency measures put in place can be relied on in the event of any future incidents. 

There has been some improvement in the situation due to the change in weather and significant work done by NI Water in re-zoning and tankering water to areas at highest risk. Although the treated water storage reserves have returned to normal and demand has reduced, NIEA and DWI continue to work with NI Water in the event that the situation may escalate again. This is critical for maintaining our supply of clean safe drinking water.

DWI and NIEA have been working with NI Water to agree their Rollback Plan to re-introduce regulatory monitoring of drinking water and waste water again.  NI Water returned to 90% of their regulatory monitoring for drinking water and 100% of their waste water monitoring from 1 July 2020. NIEA have agreed to extend the Wastewater Sampling Regulatory Position Statement until September 2020 and this can be used by NI Water if required.

Regulatory monitoring of private water supply sites has recommenced in all 11 council areas from. DWI has designed a revised monitoring schedule to prioritise premises that were temporarily closed or missed due to COVID-19 restrictions and to ensure that all samples will be completed by the end of the year. Advice on steps to take to ensure the water quality is maintained is issued to businesses in advance of samples being collected. DWI continues to work with councils to establish a revised programme for risk assessments of the private water supply to be completed at all remaining sites.

DEFRA have approached NIEA to take part in a research project for Covid-19 in wastewater. NIEA are currently scoping the possibilities of extending the research within Northern Ireland. The research will monitor wastewater for Covid-19. The monitoring results would be used in conjunction with other research to provide early warning of a resurgence in the virus.

Bathing Waters and Other Marine Monitoring Programmes

The Bathing Water programme is running at a reduced level due to Covid-19 related restrictions (lab capacity, shielding requirements and childcare).  This represents a 75% reduction on 2019.  A deminimus programme is in place with the risk of failures having an increased statistical impact on the rolling assessment.

Water Framework Directive monitoring and Marine Protected Area Condition monitoring has partially resumed, representing a 25-75% reduction on 2019 although this is dependent on the specific work area.  Boat based monitoring surveys are still paused due to risk assessments limiting crew numbers on boats and availability of suitable tides. However, this impact is deemed low risk as only one year of the 6 year rolling cycle will be affected.  Monitoring surveys over the remaining cycle will be re-scheduled to minimise impact.

Marine Protected Area surveillance patrols although resumed are also impacted by limitations of crew numbers on boats, resulting in a reduction of 50% on 2019.  Increased surveys have been scheduled for the remainder of the year.  Coastal patrols (by land) have resumed fully and in response to several reports of marine wildlife disturbance due to increased numbers of public at beaches, patrols are also taking place during weekends.

Portrush Coastal Zone opened to the public on 3rd August with temporary ranger staff in place.  Adaptations include limited admittance to the public, introduction of one way system, social distancing measures throughout, hand sanitiser facilities and mandatory mask wearing.

Future Viability of Environmental NGOs

The Minister launched an £800,000 environmental challenge fund competition to enable eNGOs to bid to deliver priority natural environmental projects for nature recovery and connecting people to the environment. This competition closed on 28 July 2020. Applicants will be informed of the outcome shortly.

Country Parks and Nature Reserves

Public toilet facilities at all NIEA managed sites re-opened on 15 June.

Ice-cream concessions at Crawfordsburn, Roe Valley and Peatlands re-commenced operation on site during late June.

The majority of Country Park Visitor Centres and Museums re-opened on 3 July with additional Covid-19 safety measures put in place.

Cafés at Crawfordsburn and Roe Valley Country Parks re-opened on 3 July.

Playparks re-opened at Peatlands and Ness on 10th July with additional Covid-19 sanitisation measures in place.

The Peatlands Park narrow gauge Railway is not open at this time as there are pending Health & Safety works to the tracks outstanding.

DAERA have adopted the “We’re Good to Go” Kitemark on its Forest Parks, Country Parks and Inland Fisheries sites.

Tourism NI’s “Get into Nature” campaign in partnership with DAERA’s MyNI team and other partners is at the half way stage and progressing well.

Update on Essential Legislation: Environment Bill

Westminster Committee Stage is expected to resume after summer recess. Currently scheduled to report by 29 September 2020.

Update on Essential Finance or Budget Information

The Department will seek funding for the shortfall between the Executive’s agreed allocation of £3.8m to help cover the additional waste costs incurred by Councils for the period March to end June, as well as the additional costs for the second quarter to end September. The Department is also currently considering the potential impact for councils from October to the end of the current financial year.

Rural Affairs, Forestry Service & Estate Transformations Group

Rural Affairs Division

Rural Affairs continues to focus on payments processing and supporting partners.  Work continues on the draft Rural Policy Framework.  Work also continues in the DAERA DIRECT Offices both in offices and via home working.

DAERA Direct Offices

CSB Admin staff continue to work in the 12 DAERA Direct offices on essential services, whilst maintaining social distancing, on a rota basis.  The remainder are working from home on PCs and laptops, with secure access to the relevant DAERA databases such as APHIS, NIFAIS and CIS. EFS opened on 17 August and staff are providing digital assistance remotely as far as possible and arrangements have been put in place to facilitate appointments in the DDO were necessary to support customers complete their EFS applications. Recovery plans have been developed to allow more staff to return to the offices and increase capacity and specific arrangements have been put in place for dealing with EFS appointments. Dungannon and Newry DDO’s are part of a pilot reopening plan by ETD along with Ballykelly and Klondyke w.e.f. 24 August.

Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation (TRPSI)

These TRPSI funded initiatives continue to proactively deliver support to rural dwellers.  To date, under the Coronavirus Community Fund (CFNI) 164 rural organisations have been supported in total with £469,640 awarded. Some 77 of these have been funded from DAERA’s £200k contribution agreed by the DAERA Minister.  In addition, 25 organisations (12 rural) ineligible for support by CFNI, with eligible projects, have now been grant aided through a partnership arrangement between DAERA, DFC and the Rural Community Network, receiving £95,142 (£39,573) in total.

Farm Families Health Check Programme (FFHCP) - COVID-19 Response

The FFHCP is currently considering how best to recommence the Programme in autumn.

Rural Policy – Recovery

We have now finished a draft version of the new ‘Rural Policy Framework’ and we are preparing to go out to consultation in  September The consultation will be online with a number of webinars to create a more interactive feel to it.

The first of a number of pilot schemes has been launched, the Rural Micro Business Growth Scheme. It has been developed to test the assumptions coming from the work of the rural framework working groups and inform the drafting of the Rural Policy Framework.

In conjunction with Tourism NI the Tourism Web Development Programme was launched on 3 August and closes on 28th August.  This pilot scheme is to assist tourism businesses to develop websites to better promote their presence online has been funded jointly by Tourism NI and DAERA.

Rural Micro Business Growth Scheme (£1m)

Under the Rural Policy Framework RAD is bringing forward a number of pilot initiatives, one of which is the Rural Micro Business Growth Scheme. The Scheme will provide up to £40k of grant at a 50% intervention rate for eligible costs.

The objective of the Scheme is to assist businesses to grow and become more productive, profitable and efficient, through the adoption of innovative techniques and technology, increase external sales and to make a positive climate related contribution. 

The Minister launched the Scheme that has a budget allocation of up to £1m on 30 July 2020. The Scheme is currently open for Expressions of Interest and will close on the 31 August.  The Scheme will be delivered by Rural Affairs Division.

Project Stratum

DfE lead on Project Stratum.  The tender period closed (5/5/20) and the bids are being technically appraised and assessed by a specialist team in DfE.   Target date to issue a contract is October 2020.

EU Leader Programme and Tourism

RAD continue to monitor progress on the LEADER and Tourism measures. 

Payments continue to be processed in line with easements set out within EU Commission guidance. 

The Tourism Industry Taskforce Working Group met on 19 August to discuss the draft Tourism Recovery Action Plan.  The Plan is a distillation of the industry asks from each of the ten Task & Finish Groups, which were created to reflect the diverse nature of the industry. The Working Group has grouped the industry asks under six key themes and included other key initiatives and actions proposed by Tourism NI and other Departments, including DAERA.  DAERA’s Tourism Recovery Advisory Group members have provided a cohesive response to the draft Plan and further discussions will take place at the next meeting of the Advisory Group on 27th August.  The Plan is to be subsequently considered at the next DfE Tourism Recovery Steering Group meeting in early September.

Processing of Grant Aid Claims

RAD continue to process claims and make payments relating to TRPSI and LEADER.

Rural Development Programme


1st March to 31st July 2020

 1st August to 14th August 2020


No of Payments


No of Payments







Running Costs to LAGS










Farm Business Improvement






Other RDP Schemes





There are an additional 13 LEADER project payments valued at £ 406,000.10 being processed for payment.

Tackling Rural Poverty & Social Isolation (TRPSI)

Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2019

Rural Business Development Grant Scheme 2019

No. Claims Paid 16/3/2020 – 7/8/2020

Grant Amount Paid 16/3/20 – 7/8/2020

No. Claims Paid 16/3/2020 – 14/8/2020

Grant Amount Paid 16/3/20 -14/08/2020





Estate Tranformation Division

DAERA Office Estate

DAERA has continued to keep its network of 12 DAERA Direct Offices open during this period in order to maintain essential services. This has been done through a mixture of staff operating from offices and working remotely from home. While Dundonald House remained open, Klondyke and Ballykelly House were closed from 24 March 2020 with staff in these locations facilitated to work remotely.  

The Department has now developed building specific Building Recovery Plans for its office estate buildings. These have been developed in line with PHA, NICS and health and safety guidance and have been risk assessed. Trade Union Side has been consulted on the development of these plans.

The plans have helped determine the workstation capacity at each our offices taking account of social distancing requirements. Ballykelly House and Klondyke buildings have reopened on a pilot basis with effect from 24 August 2020. A further two DAERA Direct Offices (Newry and Dungannon) have also “reopened” on a pilot basis with increased capacity.

Between 17 August and 11 September 2020 appointments at the 12 DDO’s can be facilitated for customers applying to Tranche 4 of the Environmental Farming Scheme. Appointments will only be provided if telephony and online support are unable to resolve a customer’s need.

Lessons learned from these pilots will help inform the wider opening of the DAERA Office estate. This work has been undertaken in line with the steps set out in the Executive’s Pathway to Recovery Strategy.

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