The Department is seeking views on the next steps in a strategy to eradicate bovine tuberculosis from Northern Ireland. The consultation paper outlines a range of enhanced cattle measures which it intends to implement and is not consulting on. It also details what is proposed in relation to the compulsory use of gamma testing of cattle where deemed appropriate following a veterinary assessment; the introduction of legislation to enable the department to test non-bovines for TB; a preferred approach to badger intervention; and changes to the current level of compensation paid to farmers
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- bTB eradication strategy - consultation paper - easyread version
Consultation description
This consultation sets out the proposals of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) for the next steps in a strategy to eradicate bovine TB.
The consultation is seeking views outlined in the discussion paper on the compulsory use of gamma testing of cattle where deemed appropriate following a veterinary assessment; the introduction of legislation to enable the department to test non-bovines for TB; a preferred approach to badger intervention; and changes to the current level of compensation paid to farmers following the removal of test positive cattle.
In order that all aspects of bovine TB are tackled together, the Department proposes that intervention should involve a combined approach which would see actions put in place to address the disease in badgers through a non-selective cull in defined areas delivered by not for profit farmer led companies, alongside improved cattle measures.
All costs relating to the bTB Programme and compensation are currently covered through public funding. In Northern Ireland, compensation is currently paid to herd-keepers at 100% of an animal’s full market value with no fixed upper limit. The Department is proposing changes to the current compensation system by introducing a cap of £5,000 and reducing the level of compensation paid in a phased basis from 100% to 90% and then 75%.
How to Respond
We are using NIDirect's Citizen Space as our primary response route for collating responses from all stakeholders who have an interest in this area.
Comments on the proposals should be made online at the Northern Ireland Hub – Citizen Space. Please use the green button which will take you to the consultation.
You can also respond by email using the email address below.
When responding, please provide the following information:
Your name;
Contact details ; and
Name of the organisation you represent (if applicable).
Click here to see the Summary of Responses for this consultation.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.