Changes to Mercury Regulations in Northern Ireland
The Minamata Convention on mercury is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from emissions and releases of mercury caused by human activity. Both the European Union and the United Kingdom are signatories to the Minamata Convention.
The provisions of the Minamata Convention are implemented in the EU through Regulation (EU) 2017/852 on mercury. As a result of being listed in Annex 2 of the Windsor Framework, the EU Regulation continues to apply in Northern Ireland, while an amended version applies in Great Britain.
On 10th July 2024, the EU adopted Regulation 2024/1849, amending the original EU Regulation to phase out the use of amalgam from 1 January 2025. On 19 July, the EU published Commission Notice C/2024/4675. This set out specific arrangements for Northern Ireland.
From 1 January 2025, export of dental amalgam from Northern Ireland to outside of the United Kingdom, by virtue of the Windsor Framework, is prohibited under the requirements of Commission Notice C/2024/4675.
The import of amalgam into Northern Ireland will need to meet specific conditions, for example imports will need to be commensurate to use and, from 1 July 2026, meet certain custom formalities.
From 1 July 2026, the manufacturing of amalgam shall be prohibited except to meet specific medical needs.
DAERA and DoH officials are working alongside the UK Cabinet Office to ensure all conditions set in the EU derogation are implemented.
Further Information
If you would like any further information please contact:
Chemicals and Industrial Pollution Policy (CIPP) Branch