Waste Prevention: Reuse
This article outlines current waste prevention and reuse programmes, with reference to the EU Waste Framework Directive.
Waste Framework Directive
The revised Waste Framework Directive (“WFD”) of November 2008 seeks to position the EU as a ‘recycling society’, with broad aims “to avoid waste generation and to use waste”.
Decoupling economic growth from the environmental impacts associated with waste generation is a key objective of the WFD. Waste prevention is important to optimising resource efficiency across all waste streams and is at the top of the waste hierarchy.
It is followed by preparing for re-use, recycling, other recovery and disposal, in descending order of environmental preference.
The WFD defines preparing for re-use activity as “checking, cleaning or repairing products without further pre-processing”. Re-use not only diverts waste from landfill but also contributes to significant carbon savings when compared with recycling.
Waste Prevention Programme for Northern Ireland: Stopping Waste in its Tracks
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs published “The Waste Prevention Programme for Northern Ireland – Stopping Waste in its Tracks" in July 2020. The Programme can be accessed through the link below and encompasses a range of policies and actions including reuse which will be beneficial to the environment and the economy.
The Waste Prevention Programme for Northern Ireland – Stopping Waste in its Tracks
Northern Ireland Resources Network
Northern Ireland Resources Network is the only reuse and repair network in Northern Ireland. For more details Waste Prevention Interventions
The EU WFD ‘Waste from Household’ recycling target (including preparing for reuse)
For more details Recycling