Review of Decisions 2024
Details below explain what is a Review of Decision. How you apply for a Review of Decision and also includes all the Guidance and Q&A's relating to a Review of Decision.
What is a review of decision?
Applicants who feel that we did not reach the correct decision in respect of their area-based scheme application have access to a review procedure. This procedure is an opportunity for applicants to explain and demonstrate how they feel they have met the requirements of the relevant scheme and why the Department’s initial decision should be changed.
How do I ask for a review?
If you consider that our decision regarding your Area-based Scheme application is incorrect you have the right to request a review. We recommend that before requesting a formal review, you contact the scheme staff to discuss your case. The scheme staff will be able to provide a fuller explanation either over the telephone, in person or in writing, which may allow the matter to be resolved without the need to request a formal review. Using this option does not affect your right to proceed with a formal review but the deadlines for return of the application for a review will not be extended.
How to request a Review of Decisions application To request a review you must contact the Review of Decisions Section on:
Tel: 0300 200 7848,Email:,
or by writing to Review of Decision Section, Orchard House, 40 Foyle Street, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 6AT and ask for a Review of Decision application form (AP).
You must tell the staff which decision(s) you wish to have reviewed. Your completed application form must be received by the Department no later than 60 calendar days from the date on our decision letter. We will write the deadline date on the front of the application form. More detailed information can be found in the Guide below and Q&A's.