NIEA has introduced online submission of manure export forms
NIEA has introduced a system for the online submission of records for manure export forms. The system makes it easier and quicker for farmers, or their agents, to submit records while at the same time reducing the risk of errors and hence potential penalties being applied to the Basic Payments.
This online submission of manure export records for non-derogated farms sits alongside the CAFRE Nutrient Calculators which farmers are already familiar with and use to calculate their nitrogen loading and storage capacity.
The online process for completion and submission of manure export records are available from DAERA Online Services.
Under the new process farmers or their advisers should prepare their manure export records and submit these online by midnight 31st January.
Important action that you need to take now
In order to submit your manure export form by 31st January, you (or your agent) will need to register and obtain access to the Government Gateway. Agent authorisation forms are available online at:
or from your local DAERA Direct Offices. It is important that you act now to obtain this as it will take time for this to be processed.
DAERA’s experience has shown that the submission of records online will mean that the process is easier for farmers and their agents and that the number of errors and potential breaches is vastly reduced. However, if farmers have any concerns they should seek further advice from CAFRE, their farming organisation or agricultural consultant if they have any issues around the online submission of information.
Derogated farms only
It should be noted that derogated farms will submit their fertilisation accounts and manure export records at a separate location by 23:59 on the 1st March (unless extended). Refer to Nitrates Directive web page for guidance.