Development Plan Evidence Guide documents

Date published: 08 May 2019

Last updated: 24 November 2021

Information sources and references to assist councils in preparation of Local Development Plans

DAERA has a statutory role in development planning and responds to consultations on local development plans at various stages in the plan  preparation process, supporting the council in the preparation of better informed and locally distinctive plans.  DAERA supports plan-led development by 

  • supplying evidence and ensuring that our environmental data, including map-based information, is accessible to those developing plans, and identifying other useful sources of information;
  • providing integrated advice and guidance on natural heritage, landscape and environmental issues that covers the full range of our environmental responsibilities;
  • actively engaging with plan makers and seeking to maximise benefits from the sustainable management of the environment by providing consistent, evidence-based advice at each stage of the plan-making process; and
  • advising on SEAs and HRAs and providing evidence-based advice when responding to each consultation stage of these assessments.
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